Tomorrow is gunna' suck.
10 years ago I got 2 DUIs within a year of each other, this is one of those really bad Karma deals. I caused no harm to anyone but on the other hand I did put others in danger, as does anyone who drinks and drives.
The Nursing Director called me into her office today and told me that since it was a private college they had more stringent requirements than the state nursing programs. One of wich is that they generally don't take people who have had multiple DUIs.
It looks like they MIGHT cut me a break if I go and get my arrest records to prove there was nothing else involved ( drugs, kids, guns ect. ) There wasn't. And pass my fingerprint background check. Wich I will, but it takes 6-8 weeks to know if you pass.
So I told them I would get the records there by Tuesday ( the next school day ).
The problem is that we have no food in the house and no way to buy food tonight, we are dead broke. Payday is tomorrow.
Here is my shitty schedule tommorrow.
1) Wake thie kids up
2) Get Barb from work
3) Take the kids to school
4) come back, wake up the little kids,
5) get them ready
6) take them to my parents house
( here is where it gets complicated )
7) get my arrest records from 2 different cities
8) get my fingerprint background check started, in another part of the valley of course
9) somehow get the kids their lunch
parts 7,8,9, all need to be done with close temporal vicinity, but fairly large geographical vicinity.
And the worst part of all is if I don't acconmplish all of these things it will look bad, like I am slacking and they don't really have to accept my application.
Then when I will be beyond stressed I will still have to get back to the house in time to take Barb to work, then go pick up the kids from my parents house.
I really have nobody to help me get this stuff done, I have to do it all by myself.
Everybody is counting on me getting this school done, the kids, Barb, everybody. If I do it it will change our lives, we can have both things we constantly struggle to balance.
If Barb works pool and makes enough money to live we have no medical insurence and we all have dental problems. If she works staff we don't have enough money to live or pay the deductible to get the medical stuff done.
If we both work opposite days I can work pool and make money, she can go staff and get us medical insurence.
Maybe I'll just get up at 4 am ( MONEY SHOULD IN BY THEN ), and go to Wal Mart and get some pre-packaged stuff for the kids to take to school.
I keep re-learning the lesson here, NO MINDLESS BEHAVIOR, cause this is something that will affect my whole family.
Off to workout, about the only thing I can control right now.