Saturday, June 16, 2007

Barbs Diagnosis

Metebolic Acidosis. Appearantly this is very dangerous. I'm very glad I talked her into going to the ER She has been complaining of many of the symptoms for the last year or two including a very rapid decline in vision. Chest pain that nobody can diagnose, random bouts of nausea and vomiting. Maybe the doc will figure out the root cause and get it fixed. As it stands it doesn't seem to be caused by any of the traditional reasons.
The main reasons are,

Alcohol concumption: hers has decreased exponentially.
Diabetes: Her sugars were VERY low. 64 actually.
Muscle breakdown from extreme activity: she has started working out again but taking it extremely easy.
The bodies inability to remove certain types of waste: her urine osmo was fine ( the test measuring this action. )

She has been admitted to the hospital, so hopefully they will find the answer.


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