Thursday, November 08, 2007

Just struck me as funny. I've even never been this drunk and that's saying something.

I think the worst I've been was the night I applied for a job at the Mill Ave Beer Co. I know beer. So I figured it would be a good deal. They were looking for a bartender/manager that could intelligently sell the higher end beers. I can't stand bud/miller/coors ect so I thought it would be a cool job. And it was.
BUT, the lady the owned the bar had owned and worked in bars for 20 years,to say she was heavily acclimated to alcohol is an understatement. And I was like 26. We drank flaming Dr. Peppers through the job interview (yeah holy shit I was lit before it was done). Then when she hired me ( on the spot ) we drank different beers and shots trying to come up with some high end combos. Like what scotch would go with what beers, then we wrote all of this stuff down. Of course in the morning it was just illegible scribble, but I digress. Then when we got done with all that she closed the bar for the night and she sat and drank till 3am with all her new employees. Shots, beer, wine whatever, on the house. I rode a mountain bike at the time. I flowed out of the bar to ride home and realized it would be impossible to ride the 6 or 7 miles home. So in all my drunken glory I scaled a fence that blocked off an empty building, found a hidden little niche on the second flor and promptly passed out till about 8 am. I woke still drunk as hell and decided I could make it home. The problem is that I couldn't climb the fence back out. It curved outward at the top so I had jumped up, grabbed the top and kinda swung myself over. But it was slick and I was still buzzed and I just couldn't get out. This sounds funny now, but trust me it wasn't. So I ended up climbing a tree near the fence and climbing out on a branch over the fence, of course the branch couldn't hold my weight and well I fell. Bruised, scraped 1/2 drunk 1/2 hung over I rode home.

But hey at least I didn't pass out in a fucking urinal.


Blogger Unknown said...

That picture is epic.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Royce said...

LMAO Ryan! yeah made me feel good about myself for sure :-)

3:52 PM  
Blogger Aaron Friday said...

Awesome, dude! That's one of the funniest blogs I've ever read. Well done, Royce!

3:57 PM  
Blogger fawn said...

That was pretty good Royce! I was a professional cook in my former life... I know that story, lol!

6:46 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

LOL guys not something I'm proud of, just that the photo brought back memories.......LMAO!

9:11 PM  

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