Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Workout post

I was slacking untill about 11:00 pm then decided to get off my butt and workout
10 singles l/r with gripper 3 minutes rest between sets
hand extensor work for carpal tunnel balance
7 excersizes, format 2 minutes of work followed by 1 miute of rest
Cumulative work load is much higher than it looks
Windmills 1 minute each side
60 seconds rest
Hindu or dive bobmer pushups 2 min.
1 min rest
one arm bent over row alternating sets of 5. 2 min
1 min. rest
hindu squat 2 on
1 off
clean and press alternate arms every 30 seconds 2 on
1 off
burpee 2 on ( couldn't do 2 minutes more like 1 minute )
1 off ( more like 2 off )
alternating swing 2 on
and done.
workout notes
finger extensor work imediately takes the pressure of my elbows after heavy grip work I was starting to worry about that.
The swing is really the most real world specific excersize you can do, it trains the hamstrings to operate just like the do in real life as a hip flexor instead of a knee contractor, I am really just learning the differance.
Hip snap and strength much better, pulled 300 for 6 deadlifting just goofing around yesterday, who would have known that a 44 lb chunk of iron would allow me to do my max deadlift for 6 with no deadlifting, the russians i guess LOL
Great workout, since I swithced to alternating HOC with Grind circuits I feel like I am loosing weight every day.
Goal 200 lbs by May 6th 2007


Blogger Royce said...

LOL.... ok but it aint pretty, I am still like 80 lbs overweight

5:41 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

Camera not working so it will be a couple of weeks to post my pics, but don't expect a bodybuilder, more like a big farmboy!!!

6:54 PM  
Blogger Red said...

you rock, you really do

12:04 PM  
Blogger Trailady said...

Yeah, I'm curious to see how you're doing. I'm going to have some pictures taken of me at the YMCA soon and will post them to my blog. I've lost 12 lbs now. It makes such a BIG difference when I don't weigh so much. I have way more energy & stamina now. Still hoping to lose at least another 5 lbs. I'm no supermodel, but I want to be the best me I can be. :o)

9:52 AM  
Blogger Royce said...

exactly no model here either, just the best roycester I can be.

9:55 AM  

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