Friday, April 07, 2006

Hey ya'll try this...........

It is the Turkish get up, you start in the prone position, get to a sitting position then stand up ( I couldn't find a pic of the standing phase ), but wait, you get more for the same low price, you have to get down into the prone position again. All with the weight at arms length, then do the other side. I am very, very weak at this. But it is a hell of a lot of fun, and the abs get a deep soreness about them.


Blogger Deb said...

alright so i have to is hard enough for me to go from laying down to standing up without holding some potentally deadly (cause you know i'd drop the thing on my head) weight. No wonder your work outs are making you feel do things that are HARD! LOL ya nut...and here is my little sister bugging ya for the day...have you seen the dr yet huh uh huhu????have ya have real life this is were i'd pull leg hair and run...cause yer sick and couldn't catch me :)

7:48 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

LMAO, no I haven't seen a doctor yet. When I do go I am going to have a couple of tests run.

10:51 PM  
Blogger Trailady said...

YIKES- that looks painful!

Are you mixing any cardio with your training or are you strictly KB's?

This reminds me of something I saw on Fit TV a while back. You would have enjoyed it! Simply a gym with practical methods. Harness yourself into a leather belt & chain and pull a lead ball across the floor. Do chin-ups & push-ups till you're fried. Swing a big hammer for 10 minutes. Carry sand bags back & forth. Jump Rope. Push a massive metal door open and shut. Run while pulling a loaded cart behind you, etc. They used KB's. It's very primitive training, but they promise fast results and have a whole slew of satisfied customers. The whole thing is based on the practical fitness elements that kept our forefathers fit. I could picture you getting into something like that...

6:17 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

Yes, I could definately get into that. I already have plans to cast an atlas stone, and make some sandbags, and buy heavier kbs.
The new circuits I discovered with kbs has 2 contineous minutes of a drill ( swings, presses, bodyweight squats, bench press ect. ) followed by one minute of rest. The 11 minute routine has 4 drills, 20 minute has 7 drills, and 38 minute has 13 drills ( the 4 rocks my world with a light kb right now. )
The 2 on 1 off format will let you gain some mass if you eat for it, and if you eat carefully you will loose weight because it is extreme cardio and you release lots of hgh wich melts fat.
I keep eating too much and getting stronger but not smaller.
I used to go to the gym and do the traditional 45 minute weights and 30 minutes of cardio. Wich works well. My wife can run or do the elliptical machine for hours, But I was starting to feel like hampster in a wheel. And I get bored so darn easy...ugh...not a good quality.
So the circuits are cardio and they are weights at the same time, kinda' like work in the old days, a lumberjack or log splitter would not know the difference between lifting for strength or cardio, but they were in crazy good shape and crazy strong.
I still want to powerlift when I get in the shape I want to be in, but I don't want to stray to far away from being in good shape.
Maybe 12 week cycles each of powerlifting and strength-endurance stuff. Who knows right now.
Oh, yeah if you want try this, go to the YMCA grab a 20 lb dumbell, hold it with one hand swing it back behind your legs then reverse the direstion kinda' like jumping, or in fact standing up really fast, swing the dumbell to eye level, do this for 20 reps, then do 20 reps with the other hand, I will repost the swing progression on the my blogs main page. This hits all the muscles of the deadlift calves, hammies, glutes, lats, traps, with the cardio of a sprint. If you do it let me know how it felt!! ( insert evil laugter )

3:15 PM  
Blogger Trailady said...

I did body-building for 2 years. The bigger I got, the more I ate and the bigger I got. I have an affinity for building muscle and bulked up BIGTIME, but with little definition. I loved feeling strong, but my mother told me I looked terrible. My husband doesn't like the hardbody look. So my program is mostly cardio with light weight progressions until I feel the burn. I'm getting good results.
I loved how strong I felt while lifting for mass though- like I could actually defend myself if I were attacked. (sigh)
UGH, your KB move makes my back hurt just reading about it. I think I'll pass on that one...

7:25 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

LMAO, now that brings back memories, I played defensive tackle in highschool. The majority of my workouts consisited of bench, squats, power cleans, squats, hang cleans, squats, standing military press ( front and back ), squats, deadlifts ( stiff leg and regular), squats, bent over row and I feel like I am leaving something out......Oh Yeah squats....LOL.
I would wake up at 2 in the morning and down 24 ounces of chocolate milk a huge roast beef sandwich and maybe some cake. Daily calories revolved around milk, meat and pasta, I got up to 280 lbs, 30% body fat though, still I benched 3 wheels each side and could pull 5 off the floor....add a 17 year olds testoserone to that and I felt invincible. ( I started taking karate for the agility and speed and found out I was mortal though!)
I like the hardbody look on a woman, in my opinion women can't naturally get big enough to look bad, and getting toned is a lot harder for ya'll than us. I don't like the steroid induced muscle some women competitiors have now.
If you have ever watched early episodes of American Gladiator there was a girl they called Siren on there I thought she was hot.
I am trying to get back to between 190-200 lbs of lean mass and 10% or under bodyfat, but like I said before I want to do it strongman style, go heavy, go hard and EAT ( they make kettlebells up to 200 lbs ). Sandbags, Stones, heavy basic lifts with freeweights, and heavy double kettlebell drills.............can't wait!!
I am shooting for a year from my b-day ( may 6th ) to start rockin' and rollin' again.
Untill then light weights to feel the burn and cardio........ugh.

9:34 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

oooo happy un birthday! and Royce...yer invincible in my mind :)

12:08 PM  
Blogger Trailady said...

Guess I'm lucky in that I LOVE cardio so much. I know a ton of people who HATE cardio and love weights. I just get into a zone where my heart is humming, muscles are loaded and I'm feeling great. I used to be an endurance runner. I'm not really fast, but I can run all day in 'the zone'....
Blew my left knee in a biking accident and not sure it will ever be able to take marathoning again...

5:10 AM  

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