Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Strength as a Skill

So appearently strength is a skill, just like pool, throwing darts or playing horseshoes. It is all just Central Nervous System adaptation.
If you sucked at pool and wanted to get better what would you do. Play pool a lot!
Enter the concept Greasing the Groove, take your 6 rep max and do sets of three throughout the day, now this goes against everything I have ever been taught.
But then again there are 140 lb girls that are lifetime drug free and lift without gear ( bench shirts, deadlift suit ect ) that are stronger than I ever was at 280 lbs!
My worst lift ever is bench press. It is in the 200 range depending on how I feel that day.
So I am being a little conservative and doing sets of 155 throughout the day, I will test my 6 rep max ( between 165 and 175 ) on the third week of April, then readjust the weights or drop the practice, if it works, I will use it to get my bench up, switch to deadlift get my numbers up, and lastly squats ( I gain strength in my legs easy so I am not worried ).
If I loose strength..............ugh, I don't even want to think about it.
This is done on top of my three workouts a week, I just won't do anything for chest untill I drop the GTG sets.


Blogger Deb said...

where are you? what work out did you do yesterday? what am i supposed to read in between calls? You have blogging responsibilities you know!

7:54 AM  
Blogger Trailady said...

I'm so glad you are sticking with your routine. You are very dedicated not only to Barb, but to being a stronger person. You GO boy!!

9:28 AM  

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