Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ramblings of a sleep deprived dad.

'Bout 1:30 this morning I hear Cheyenne choking some. I instantly knew she was throwing up. It's weird how kids affect you. I am an extremely sound sleeper but the slightest noise from the next room jolts me awake if it's Ryan or Cheyenne. So Barb actually got up and took care of her ( thanks hon ). Barb has some time off before she starts her next job and I think she wants to see the kids as much as possible. So Barb got Chy Chy, and I moved Ryan to the couch in their room. Cheyenne was APPOLOGETIC. She looked like she was going to cry and said "Dad I frew up on da bed." Hit me like a stray baseball in the gut. Of course we told her it ok and she should not worry about it. She came in and layed down with us, she lays on my arm and wraps her arms and legs around my arm and hugs me with her whole body. I get that baseball sized impact in my gut again. Anyway she has a flu or something 'cause she throws up several more times through the night. So I'm tired. This morning Barb was going to the store I asked her to bring back some fruit cocktail. i don't know why this works but it does, if you sip the juice from the fruit cocktail syrup is totally settles your stomach. I woke her up gave her a teaspoon of syrup and a little glass of diluted Gatoraid, she has to be dehydrated ya' know. She stayed awake for a little bit, and I could totally tell when the liquids started making her feel better. She spontaeously started laughing, then she was kinda silly for a minute or two. Then she lay back down to go to sleep, right before she dozed off she said "Fank you dad, I wuv you." Baseball in the gut.

On the nutrition front I'm making some lamb sausage stew today with 2 of my favorite things. Fennel and red cabbage. It's an experimant, we'll see how it goes. Along with that, Whole Foods is fast becoming my favorite store. We used to have a Co-op here that sold only organic produce, been here for over 20 years. But Phoenix has a cancer. It's called commercialisim, it eats and destroys anything unique and amazing and poorly replicates the previous perfectly functioning buisiness into the same dank brown tumors growing from the earth. Strip malls and parking garages. And that is what happened to the co-op. So I started going to Sprouts and it was ok, but....eeeh....can't put my finger on it, but it's not my favorite place. Whole Foods on the other hand I love. I even love the ethics behind the scene. They purchase wind energy credits to replace their energy consumption for all their stores. Rad.
Well whole foods has a HUGE variety of cheeses, I lurves me some cheese. I try a different one every time we go, and lately I've been getting into soft cheeses. I guess it was bound to happen but I got a stinky cheese. I didn't know it was stinky cheeese. I open the package and cut off a piece and plop it in my mouth. I had the overwhelming sensation that I had shoved a hitch hikers sweaty toe in my mouth. Fuck me that was nasty. Then the ahem "aroma" hits me. Smell like somebody took their week old gym socks and put them in a compost pit. It went promptly in the trash and I brushed my teeth post haste. Now I'm cheeseless and that's not good.

Anyway I'm off to cook and swing today!!


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