Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cycling back kicks ass

I used to think cycling meant changing rep ranges 5x5 for 3 weeks, a week off, 3x10 for 2-3 excersizes a body part, for a while. ect ect. I used to roughly do different months of 4-6, 6-8, 8-12. Now I realize just how damned inferior that is for strength.

First of all, Barb left for work and I was a little depressed, we are living like total paupers at the moment. Worse than we let on, like we could loose the house. On top of that I'm not a fully domesticated animal yet. Sometimes civilized "family" life drives me NUTS, LOL, and I'm the one staying home. Well me and Barb had a long talk, my attitude affects her attitude and visa versa. I agreed to not complain about having my testicles put in a jar if she didn't complain about having to grow a pair of her own and work for the next 2 months straight, 6-7 days a week.

So today is heavy bench/back day, and I did not feel like lifting AT ALL. What I wanted to do is go get money ( insert imaginative solution here ), and engage in various ignominious activities.

What I did is look at Cheyenne and Ryan and realize what a precious gift my family is and gave a burnt offering to the Gods of Iron, they being in a charitable mood rewarded my karmacly positve choice.

Next week is back off week so I maxed today.
245x1 recent PR ( Tyler spotted me on this one )
Wasn't a true max, I accelerated off the chest and didn't slow down untill over 3/4 up and locked out strong. 10 lbs left in the bank maybe. Oh yeah and I don't bounce it off my chest either.

245 x .7 = 171.5
245 x .85= 208.25

Lesson learned I need to keep multiple sets BETWEEN this weight range next month after back off week.

Tris, bench lockout 3-4 inches. 225x4x2.

Close grip low cable row 170 5x5

No more depression, no more need for chaos.


Blogger Mark Reifkind said...

well well well, nice pr!sounds like you have the concept well in place. so sorry about the financial issues, beleive me I know first hand how miserable that can be, especially with kids.hope things turn around soon. and yes being 'stuck' at home is way tough,especially ( yes I'll freakin say it) for men, as this is not what we do by nature.
the fact that it is so hard for you is a testament to your humanity.doing the right thing is almost always the hard thing. bravo dude.
the heavier shit gets the more you will look forward to the lighter percentages.when you are benching 400 70% will be 280 lbs as your "light" day.
thouhg it will be fun to have done it wont be fun to do, even if you can bench 400,lol!

2:32 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

Yeah man, mestaying home is a huge driving force to finish school. LOL.
Yeah as sore as I get now sometimes I bet when I'm able to recruit more fiber with more weight I'll be crippled afterwards. LOL.

Thanks for the encouragement too, means a lot.

3:54 PM  
Blogger Mark Reifkind said...

no worries, keep on keepin on.

4:26 AM  

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