Old life

Just some fat pictures of me, there aren't many as I don't like the camera when I'm heavy.
I'm pushing 300 in most of those pics.

220 is a big goal weight for me to hit, then I'll repost pics!!
When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C. The Russians used a pencil. This is a perfect analogy for the kettlebell.
Thank you OH SO MUCH Honey for putting fat pictures of Barb on here. I love you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! Actually, I do love you so much, but did you really have to? I don't even like looking at them, I'm sure the rest of the world doesn't either. If you are trying to motivate me, you could have just locked the fridge or something easy like that. Hopefully the next picture you put on here will be skinny ones. Love you baby, but you drive me nuts sometimes. (You should have put the one with Doug and all the alcohol in front of him.)
I know where you sleep.
dude you look great at 220! you can do it,especially with the tools you have now.
barb, you look great big, dont sweat it. I give tracy a hard time for getting skinny now as I started to get into big girls after accepting what I thought was the inevitable condition, lol!
oh yeah, you remind me of my good friend Jeff stanley, who used to go 315 and squat close to 900 back in the nineties. you guys are built alot alike.
Babey I didn't ean to emberass you, it's just taht these are the only pics I had of me.
You know I think you are beautiful!!
Looking great brother. I have no doubt that you will reach your goal weight. What's important is that you have started the journey and are kicking some serious ass!
Keep it up!
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