Friday, July 07, 2006

OH MAN is Roycie a happy camper today.......

88 lb kettlebell today, got a smokin' deal on a used on. ALL I GOT'S TO SAY IS DAMN THAT THING IS HEAVY!!!!!!

the 88 and 106 lb kettlebells have nicknames, the 88 is a Bulldog and the 106 is the Beast.

I got home and put it through the paces seeing what I could and could not do with it compared to a 44 lb bettlebell, lets just say I have a LONG way to go....LOL.

I was already sore from Thursday's workout ( couldn't post internet was down ), and I put my body through hell today so I think I will be quite sore tommorow!!!!


Blogger Deb said...

woooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooo

6:26 PM  
Blogger Fallen Angel said...

I love you honey, just wanted to stop by and tell you. Hope you have fun with your new toy. Please don't hurt yourself this time.
Love you baby.


9:48 PM  
Blogger Trailady said...

Well, you just go and work it with your big bulldog bells. Me, I'll have to stick with me chihuahua size. There's even a commercial about it with my little mascot, you know the one..... yo quiero Taco Bells! LOL

I agree with your Angel, don't injure your back.

9:20 PM  

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