Monday, June 19, 2006

Moving to Prescott

So it looks like we are going to make a concerted effort to move to Prescott. There are about a million things that can go wrong with this adventure, but you can get killed crossing the street also.
I try not to make decisions based in fear, but I tend to over-analyze situations and try to come up with the perfect solution, kind of paralysis by analysis.
Strangely enough, not with this move, I am ready to close my eyes and JUMP.
Pine trees, clean air, fishing, great food, art festivals almost every weekend, no more heat, ( still gets hot there, but as soon as the sun drops behind the mountains it gets cool ).


Blogger Trailady said...

WOW! I'm SO excited for you guys!! I hope this works out well for you to relocate to a better place. That's the part I do like about moving- you get a change of scenary and a chance to start over. The part I hate is packing. Unpacking is fun though...

By the way, thanks for your words in my defense on 'My Journey'! I'm pretty sure I know who 'Anonymous' is- and she knows it- she's posted before. (One of those people with an arrogant attutide that can literally make my skin crawl!)

Feels good to know some people have my back out there. :o)

11:48 AM  
Blogger Royce said...

Yes, I got your back. Like I said on that thread, you have been nothing but nice and respectfull of many different views, you didn't deserve that crap!!

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jump. Sometimes we just have to have faith and take chances and if you go at this with your hearts and minds open and trust your instincts you will be fine. I say, go for it adn congratulations.
I also agree with trailady, packing SUCKS. Keep me posted!
ps 5th workout in 1 1/2 weeks, 45 minutes tonight. :)

9:02 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

Nikki thats great!!! I'm so glad you are working out, mine have been a little sporadic because of an injury, but I am almost 100% again!!

9:36 AM  

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