Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ya' know what I hate. Politics involved with lifting a weight.

Be it barbell or kettlebell. In 3 weeks I'm adding big compound movements back into my routine. Low volume barbell lifts, high volume KBs. I don't know if it will work while still trying to shed another 40 or so Lbs. If it doesn't, I'll drop them.

See I hate the GS vs HS thing that happened, I wish Catherine Imes and Paul Tucker and all those folks still posted on DD.

I found a cool ass sight called, it was exactly what I wanted to find. Raw drug free PLrs, their insights, training logs and comraderie. Then I log on today and see this.

I'm sorry but if a 500 lb raw bencher masters a shirt and gets 700 lbs then good on him. He still has to support that weight with his joints and tendons, and I'm sure there is a psychological impact that I will never know with huge squats and benches where the bar is trying to crush you.

Damn, it's a weight, it won't solve world hunger, or the aids epidemic. They won't help global warming or solve the judeo-christian/muslim/oil/"holy land" struggle that will probably get us all nuked someday.

I just want to get stronger/faster/leaner/more explosive, learn to controll my mind better, and watch other people do the same thing. Is it too much to ask.

Discoordinated rambling sorry.


Blogger Christine said...

GS vs HS? Explain, please?

3:38 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

GS is a sport in Russia. It consists of as many reps as possible in the snatch and jerk in 2 10 minute sets. Its BRUTAL. but there is a specific way to train for it.
Pavel introduction of KBs is the RKC way. wich focuses more on tension and explosiveness. It' a lot like the way old time strongmen and weightlifters used to use KBs.

There was a huge Debate over wich "method" or style or whatever you wanna call it was better. It got uuugly on the internet for a while. And a few people like Rif who I consider a friend got attacked personally in a very nasty manner. Without provocation. I'm still pissed about that actually.

I prefer RKC style for one simple fact moving the KB the hard style way mimics what I do in real life. I don't use any sport-specific form to pick up my children or say a bag of concretet, so I'm not going to train that way.

Although I respect the hell out of GS atheletes if I were to ever atempt GS ( no plans to do so, although I like to keep an open mind ) I would never learn from the guy who brought it to America, even though he is a master. He has said to many backhanded things about Pavel system wich I know first hand works great. And a few people in his originzation are shall we say egocentric.

There are however a lot of people Like Tom Furhman, Catherine Imes, Ken Black, Paul Tucker and so on that do GS and I respect them.

Tracy is a great example of someone who stayed completely out of the debate, found a great way to use KBs and has a phenomonal strength-endurance capacity. I like that approach.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

I have not been on the forum much, I check it every now and then, and I like reading a few KB blogs, but all in all, I have tried to stay out of the 'community' as it were. I tend to have a little bit of an inferiority complex when it comes to ANY group of fit-minded people. Too many bad experiences with smug personal trainers over the years! I just swing the damn bells as heavy as I can muster, for as long as I can stand it. But I find that a lot of the references and terminology is lost on me. It's like a whole other language sometimes! Like the MaxVo2 thing - I am STILL trying to figure that out - what exactly it is, how it's beneficial, etc. But I don't like to post on the forum, I'm afraid I'll feel stupid.

I'm going to post video of my swings on my blog in the next few days, I'd really appreciate it if you'd give me some feedback on it. It's hard to tell if I have my form down 100% - I have no KB resources or trainers here, so this has been me, self taught.

5:22 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

No problem, although my form is self taught too. So I'm no expert by ANY means. I figured out how to do it by what got sore! Don't feel bad ANYTHING new has terminology that's intimidating.
You hit the nail on the head, swing the damn bell as heavy as you can for as long as you can. Period. That will take care 99.9% of anything fitness related. It doesn't matter what person A and person B argue about. What matters is you and that bell!!

VO2 max had me stumped for a long time too. I finally read something ( I forget where damnit it was cool, it was probably in a post between Kenneth Jay and Rif ) that I understand. Its training in a way to strengthen and enlarge the left ventrical of your heart. It allows more oxygen to get from your lungs to your bloodstream. You have much more endurance because of it.

Don't be intimidated by the board, there are lots of really really cool non-judgemental people of all fitness levels there.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Aaron Friday said...

Nothing discoordinated about this, Royce. Seems pretty clear, and I happen to agree on every point, except I also want to look better nekkid.

Damn, it's a weight, it won't solve world hunger, or the aids epidemic. They won't help global warming or solve the judeo-christian/muslim/oil/"holy land" struggle that will probably get us all nuked someday.

I just want to get stronger/faster/leaner/more explosive, learn to controll my mind better, and watch other people do the same thing. Is it too much to ask.

5:44 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

Aaron the looking good nekkid thing is definately a pre-requisite in there.

5:56 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

That's really my ONLY motivation. Heh.

6:13 PM  

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