Wednesday, July 04, 2007

workout post

foods intake has been good. I am 265 right now almost 20 lbs down since the comp. started. Happy with my desicion to do pttp. Back feels fine ( of course the cycle hasn't gotten heavy yet ). I miss box squats though. Thy are seriously cool. Plus they really let me sit back and stretch. DL is still my favorite move of all time I think.

DL 235x5,210x5
bench 185x5,165x5

light light light.

can't wait till its 225+ and 405+

also can't wait till I'm below 220. Freakin hate dieting. HATE IT. LOL


Blogger Mark Reifkind said...

dont focus on the diet man, focus on FEELING AS LEAN AS YOU WANT TO BE.Physically visualize( try on the body you want in your mind)how you would feel if you were as lean as you want to be.
I try to eat to feel like I could train at any time; That means optimal energy, not a full stomach or any bloating or gassy ness.
fuel the body not the mouth.
course thats why I love the warrior diet; I am either fasting and not eating anything and feeling lean and hard, or a I am eating what I want, relaxing then getting to sleep. its a good cycle.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

I know, I know. Focus on the negative you reinforce the negative. And of course visa versa. What you focus on you animate. I must have been really hungry in that post.
Thanks for the reminder too. Espescially about "trying on" my new body.
I got almost teary eyed thinking about seeing 215 on the scale, very emotional. Weird.

9:08 PM  
Blogger Mark Reifkind said...

just read a quote the other day that sums it up
" nothing tastes as good as lean feels".
now I dont know if thats true for everybody but that's how I feel.but then again I dont have food issue. other issues yes, but not food,lol.
I like that:
"what you focus on you animate" well put.
course no one's perfect so thats why I focus on what your habits are ,not the exceptions.keep it up brother you WILL get there.

5:25 AM  

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