Wednesday, July 25, 2007

To Christine ( aka the Mommy )

Hey I just read your blog. 520 reps with the 18lbr. Rock the fuck on woman!!

Oh yeah your little group of neo-nazi mommies fuck 'em. Lemme tell you a story.

I married Barb with 4 kids, 3 of them were school aged and were going to a private christian 7th Day Adventist school. It's a christian school right, so the people should behave nicely yeah..I mean that do unto others part of the bible is pretty plain, yeah? Not hardly. They were a bunch of backstabbing judgemental twits to say the least. I'm a non-thiest secular humanist with a proclivity towards athiesim. Wich means I think a lion, a rose and a human all have something in common, we don't need to believe in a god to be the best thing that we are. Or we don't need to believe in God to reach our highest order of spirituality. This belief system was extremely unsettling to the people at that school. They could barely talk to me with being visibley uncomfortable. And I was definately not the "right" kind of father.
But you know what I have a better relationship with my wife and kids than 99% of them do. People who judge you can go to hell.


Blogger Christine said...

Thank you, that made my night! I live in a fairly conservative area (it's a red state, BOO!) and I am a liberal tattooed mama. I'm so far left, my grandfather was a card-carrying member of the communist party! Seriously! I normally try not to let stuff get to me - but the combo of family crap and the usual shit has been wearing my nerves down to a shred. Thank god for KBs, really, it's been a good stress release.

Your wife and I are on the same path, but slightly reversed - she's just now coming into reading about wicca and other goddess based religions, coming from a Christian religion. I've come into Christianity from a no-religion upbringing (dad's an atheist Jew, mom's a recovering Catholic) having thought of myself as pagan for a good part of my young adult life. I'm what I call a "shopping cart" Episcopalian. I go down the aisle and pick and choose what I will and will not believe in. Salvation? Sure! Eternal damnation if I don't subscribe to some ridiculous idea of 'good'? No thanks!

I've re-enabled comments on my blog (I think) - I wasn't pissed at anyone in the blogosphere, I was just, for lack of a better word, pissed the fuck off at everyone.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Royce said...

Hey you don't have to exlain why the comments were off. IT'S YOUR BLOG, your little slice of freedom to put whatever you want on there. Say whatever, think whatever and shut out whoever.

Glad you feel better!

6:17 PM  
Blogger Aaron Friday said...

That was awesome! It's fascinating when people allow religion to prevent them from being human.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Kettlebell Lady said...

hey Royce,
Checking you out for the first time. I'm also working on losing weight. Take care!

6:19 PM  

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