Saturday, March 24, 2007

Another late one.......(yawn)!! RoP heavy day

press ladders with 70 lb'r
4 x 1,2,3
Could have done 5 I think

Swing with 53
200 swings
10 x 20 swings. Not timed.
Kicked my ass.

My cardio has backslid. Crappy diet for the last 6 weeks. Gained a little weight too. This is a bad thing. I'm going to focus a little more on volume for next couple of months as an experimant then compress the intervals. I feel need to focus on hitting the numbers. I need to be able to knock out 300 swings in 10 minutes. Lately my cardio has just been lackluster and I have felt like doing less than I know I can. This has ALWAYS been a problem with me and cardio. I am still going to do a ligh medium and heavy day but with a little more structure. If my numbers decrease I'll switch back!!

Good notes. ladders and GTG freakin rock. I know my diet is shit right now. There is no way I should be gaining strength, yet I am. This makes me really happy!


Blogger Trailady said...

Hey, we all go through phases where we just lack-luster in our routines. I'm there. All I've been doing is walking the dogs around the block- nothing major. I've lost a little weight since we moved, but I know it's muscle tone as I've not done any strength since I quit my job at the YMCA in TN. I'm trying to get hired up here, two interviews, but so far, no word. If they don't hire me, I figure it's their loss. I rock at customer service. :o)

4:54 AM  
Blogger Tracy Reifkind said...

Hey Royce, Thanks, I'm fine. Also, thanks for the back up on my blog.

I accidentaly on purpose got into it with this chick, and what can I say? Lesson learned!

7:08 PM  

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