Monday, August 21, 2006

I feel like a big ASS

I was driving home last night from Phoenix and as I went up the hill that out apartaments sit on I saw a snake in the road. I could not stop in time and i ran over it.
Well of course I turned around and went to see it. It was a baby Western Diamondback about 12-16 inches long, it was just chillin' on the blacktop trying to get warm.
I feel really bad about this, i have been thinking a lot about the enviroment lately and how we as a family can reduce our dependance on fossil fuels, so I have been acutely aware of my impact on the enviroment lately.
Rattlesnakes keep rodent population down wich helps control Hanta virus, buebonic plague and a host of other diseases, and besides all that the liitle guy was just trying to get warm........................


Blogger Shelli said...

Dont feel bad, u didnt' mean to do it.

I cant' talk. I'm still teary and sulkin over the turtle i ran over....



6:27 PM  
Blogger Red said...

aww, you 2. :( Well, Royce, at least you are paying attention. It's more than most people would do. That Hurricane Katrina and all the stories about pets left behind had me absolutely gutted. You can't save them all, but you can save some of them.
Hope all's well in your camp these days. I've been thinkin about you guys.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Trailady said...

I love animals and hate it when I hit something on the road. I DON'T like snakes, but I do respect their position in the eco-system. Everything has a place.

It was an accident.

I hit a Mourning Dove one morning. On the way home, when I passed that spot I saw it's mate standing there beside it. They pair up for life and I felt SOOOO bad!!!!!

3:56 AM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

dont worry .. that snake was to bite someone when it was all grown up .. so you might have saved a life .. hope you feel like a stallion now :)

6:25 PM  

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