Saturday, June 09, 2007

I don't even know what the hell I was thinking.

Theme song for today, NIN. Hurt.
Cause I hurt my self today ( good pain ).
Seriously DOMS is almost gauranteed.

Deck of cards
hearts=tire flip x 3
diamonds=jerks with 70 x 3/3
clubs=standing mini-band crunches x 20
spades=2 hand swing with 88 x 5

22,800 lb workout not counting the standing crunches.

The trie flip became singles near the end, and a convenient place to sit o when standing caused uncontrollable shaking. LOL.


Blogger Christine said...

See-- this is why I make everything unilateral with the deck of cards workout! One side per card! You are crazy. :)

10:58 AM  
Blogger Royce said...

no more heavy stuff for the DOC. me and the 53 is more than enough right now.
Although I do want to practice C&Js with the 88 for that test on Jared's site.

The reason I don't do unilateral is I'm to fatigued to remember wich side did what last or even what suite means what and...uhm...well, I have this strange compulsion to have everything perfectly symetrical. If I carried a bucket of grass to my truck on my right side the next trip would be on my left. If I had one bucket I would visually mark out the halfway mark and switch sides there. Thats why my DOC workouts anre push/pull. I feel like I should start doing curls again cause I working triceps for the bench now.

There. There is an insight to the weirdness that's me.

10:11 AM  

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